Cyber security services for small and medium enterprise.
As a small or medium business, you have many competing priorities when it comes to spending money on investments to improve your business.
It doesn't mean you don't wonder how you can effectively reduce your risks from cyber threats.
We offer cybersecurity services to help small businesses execute more efficiently.
We do so by offering prequalified consultants that assist your organisation as a virtual ciso to deal with cyber risks.
This will help you ensure compliance with all relevant regulations while reducing the impact of potential cyber attacks.
Our Services
We offer the following services:
Board advisory services
We help your board understand and govern cybersecurity effectively as a qualified technology expert.
Strategy accelerator services
We provide your organisation with one more accelerator consultants that will help your permanent staff execute faster.
We offer the following services:
Cyber security for sme
We provide your organisation with one more fractional ciso consultants that will help your organisation grow securely by helping your permanent staff reduce risk faster as a vciso service.
Board advisory services
We will help your board understand and govern cybersecurity effectively as a qualified technology expert.
Cyber Security Assessment
You can take a free security assessment here.